On 2023: The Power of Purpose, Valuing Time and Overcoming Resistance

Days for Days

Sometime last year.

The trailer for the upcoming Guardian of the Galaxy movie came out.

It was so amazingly done and there was no doubt that the movie would be a hit.

Then the movie’s release date came up and was 5th May 2023.

My excitement burst like a balloon.

May 2023 seemed so far and I wondered why the release date for a movie should take that long.

After I thought of the marketing angle and the importance of doing a lot of hype for the movie.

My mind went to an angle very few people would think about.

The time involved.

You have probably gotten comfortable with waiting for the things that you love.

The next Netflix series.

The next Champions League.

Or the next hot fashion item.

You may have gotten used to waiting, but as we enter a new year, there is something that I want you to get used to.

Doing the right things while waiting.

And I am telling you this so that you can apply it to your goals.

Because that’s where true transformation lies.

There is something that you need to understand.

Your desire for entertainment over education (personal growth) is what is keeping you at your current level.

Sure, you probably bagged a lot of wins in 2022.

But you and I know that there is so much room left for more.

Accepting this fact would help you get so much done in 2023.

So that you won’t spend all year waiting around for the fun things of life.

You deserve to have fun, but the harder you work, the more premium the kind of fun that you can have becomes.

But this is not even the starting point.

Let me talk briefly with you on purpose.


Power Of Purpose

One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 29:18  which says ;

When there is no vision the people perish...

Myles Monroe gave a fresh viewpoint to it by saying;

When there is no revelation of the future, people cast off Self discipline.

The reason why you have been struggling with being disciplined is not that you are lazy or any of those reasons that you might bring up.

Sure laziness is an obstacle, but it is just a symptom of something and not the main disease.

You have most likely had Malaria before and you know that headaches are one of the symptoms of Malaria.

You didn’t focus on taking just paracetamol for the headache.

You also took malaria medication because that’s the root problem causing the headaches.

This same thing applies to your goals.

Don’t jump into things this year because it looks cool or because someone else is doing it.

You need to have a revelation of why that thing is important.

I am not saying that people can’t recommend careers for you.

I am saying, make sure that you know why that career or skill is important.

Totally understand the value that it creates for the world and how it can advance you into a better future.

Once you are sure of this, you would be more disciplined in the pursuit of that thing.

One thing that you need to understand is that anything that would have significance needs to be built.

There are always going to be good times and bad times.

Clouds and Dirt are all part of life.

What would keep you going through the hard times is having a revelation of why what you are building is important.


Valuing Time

I learned a concept of time some years back that has never stopped ringing in my head.

Never take a day for granted.

Today is January 1st and part of the reason I am writing this article is to remind myself that despite the celebrations that are going on.

Today counts as 2023 and I can do something that not just helps me but others too.

Also, don’t fall for what I call the fresh start trap.

You need to see every day as a good day to start doing the right thing.

It does not matter if it is the first day of the month or the 17th day.

Waiting for the perfect start (New Week, Month, Year) would not help you.

Any day that you find yourself lagging behind, start your journey back to action.

Don’t even wait for the next day.

Do something that day, even if it is for 30 Minutes.

A popular phrase used to drive urgency goes like this:

Time is going…

But the truth is that time never goes by.

It was here before you were born and would be here after you are gone.

You are the one that is going.

In a world where money has been elevated above all, you need to understand that the most valuable asset that you have is time, not money.

Lost money can be recovered, but lost time is gone forever.

You need to start valuing your time and spend it more on things that add to you.

You are putting yourself at a great disadvantage by wasting your time.

Overcoming Resistance

Even if you understand why what you are building is important.

There are days when you would wake up and do not feel like doing anything.

If you are genuinely stressed due to working hard over the past few days.

Take a break. Rest is part of work too.

But if the feeling is not stressed induced, then you are entering the realm of resistance.

We have all been there.

The key is to prepare for it ahead by setting what I call productivity traps for yourself.

For example, I spend a lot of time on Twitter.

This made me very intentional about the people that I am following.

I only follow high achievers who have done or are doing great things in my field.

You need to copy this approach.

There is an energizing form of content those kinds of people dish out.

And before you know it, the urge to focus on what you are building would come upon you.

Another tactic can be found in the clock app on your phone.

Setting alarms as a reminder for tasks also helps.

Social media notifications are alarm clocks that other people set for you.

These alarms distract you daily.

Learn to set alarms that push you to work.

Another way that you can overcome resistance is by being very intentional about the people that you follow.

Not just on social media, but in real life.

Now, you may not have people around you that are going on the same journey as you.

But it is important that you find them.

Let me quickly teach you how.

One of the greatest ways to learn or build something fast is to create a community of people on that same journey.

So let’s say for example that you are a Fashion Designer who wants to learn how to leverage social media to grow your brand.

Create a WhatsApp group and invite other fashion designers with the same desire to join.

You can tell your contacts to help you broadcast the message.

Or even look for Facebook groups filled with fashion designers and tell interested people to join.

After creating this community.

Make sure to work with other members to develop a course of action and also ways to keep yourself accountable.

Being surrounded by a group of people on the same journey as you helps a lot.

Try this and you will see a great difference.


With these few points of mine.

I hope that I have given you some insights on how to make 2023 work for you.

I believe in you and I am rooting or you to win.

Happy New Year.

Also if this article helped you, kindly share it with a friend.

You can just post it on your WhatsApp status.

Thank you as you do so.

If you would love to connect with me on WhatsApp, click here


53 Responses

  1. Thanks so much ajulu for the reminder that we determine our projection of life and that time is our greatest asset. Happy new year to you and your lovely wife

  2. Time didn’t go. I’m the one going, I love this bost. I’m resharing with my friends and enemies right away. They need to learn.

  3. Thank you so much for this article… More like the part on overcoming resistance was written with me in mind. Thank you sir 🙏

  4. You deserve to have fun, but the harder you work, the more premium the kind of fun that you can have becomes.

    Thank you Sir Ajulu.

  5. Thanks Sir Ajulu for this!
    Very helpful.

    I believe a lot of resistance we young people face us when we’ve failed a couple of times.

    The fear of failures somehow scares us from aiming too high just so we wouldn’t crash.

    Understanding that failure is part of life and still dreaming and envisioning is a resistance worth overcoming.

    1. Yes, you are very correct.

      A lot of people expect things to go smoothly so when initial failure comes, it greatly discourages them.

      Understanding that failure is part of the process helps a lot.

  6. This call to action is truly timely. My personal favorite is the part of overcoming resistance. We persist and go again.
    Thank you, Ajulu

  7. I’m reading your post for the first time and I must attest to the fact that it is highly inspiring and thought driven.
    God bless you for this.

  8. Being intentionally about people you follow, I still hear those words anytime I click the follow button on social media since last year,
    It stuck with me after the (3 days How to start boot camp) I think a year ago or so

    thank you so much sir

    1. Thanks for sharing Obiajulu 👍, last week I was telling a friend that working as a Good Team makes the journey easier and a bit faster. Will rise by lifting EACH OTHER

  9. Thank you for this timely reminder… I’ve always been a victim of that “resistance” you talked about. Although, there are days I go against it… I think it’s to be more intentional.

  10. Thank you for this article! There is no better way to start the year. So much insight for growth and lots of recommended actions to take. God bless you

  11. On of the Articles that helped me attain to this point or level is as a result of the 2022 first Article about personal development.

    First thing I did this year was to request for a PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ARTICLE here I have it, I believe reading this one and taking deliberate actions will definitely help me fly this year.

    Thank you sir for your sacrifice to releasing this article so early.

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